Wanderausstellung „Trotz allem! – Postmigrantische Jugend bewegt den Osten“ (EN)

Despite everything! Post-migrant youth moves the East

Despite being (un)consciously overlooked! Despite being overheard! Despite being forgotten! Many young migrant people and BI_PoC from and in East Germany are loud! They are strong! They are loudly stirring up the East!

The exhibition Despite everything! Postmigrant Youth Moves the East shows young, (post-)migrant and BI_PoC engagement in Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. Young role models from different communities are independently creating spaces for mergers, empowerment and social change. They break with prejudices, old patterns and racist images. They tell unvarnished stories about the challenges they face in everyday life, on stage, in clubs and in local politics. Their stories give courage and hope. They show how self-confident and persistent young migrants and BI_PoC in East Germany are.

This exhibition is part of the project “ Competence Network for Living Together in the Migration Society“ by the umbrella association of migrant organizations in Eastern Germany – DaMOst e.V. with the support of the German Foundation for Commitment and Volunteering and the Heidehof Foundation as well as the project „JUGENDSTIL* – Participation and Co-creation of Young Migrants in Eastern Germany“ and the “ Network Office East Migrant Committed“ by the Citizens for Citizens Foundation with the support of Demokratie leben! the Federal Government Commissioner for Integration and Migration/the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism and the state of Saxony-Anhalt as part of the state program for democracy, diversity and cosmopolitanism (#wearetheland). The aim is to recognize, make more visible and promote young (post-)migrant and BI_PoC engagement in eastern Germany

We would like to point out that this exhibition presents experiences and discussions on racism, anti-Semitism, sexism, queer hostility, violence and war.

Youth speaks

Anosh had to flee his home country in 2015 – for several weeks. On foot, by car, by boat. However, his arrival in Germany meant that he had arrived with nothing. „I had my own company in Afghanistan,“ says the office management graduate. However, his documents were not recognized by the German universities.

It was a tip from a friend that turned out to be the golden key for him: Anosh found out about a program that mediated between students from abroad and German universities. Through this channel, his bachelor’s degree was actually recognized after about three years. Shortly afterwards, he moved to Rostock for his master’s degree. At the time, Anosh had no idea that his decision would also become a golden key for many other people.

In 2019, he founded the „Youth Speaks“ initiative together with other international students. An information event on training and studying became a monthly meeting where people from Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Somalia and Yemen came together. A spontaneous impulse that has now become firmly established in urban society and beyond.

„Art in the midst of war“ is an exhibition that he realized together with his sister and „Youth speaks“. Hafiza Qasimi is an activist, artist and gallery owner. Until recently, she lived in Kabul. Since the outbreak of the Taliban’s reign of terror in August 2021, the 23-year-old has feared for her life.

Anosh explains how she finds the strength to artistically document the reality of life in Afghanistan: „Everyone dreams of freedom. These women have been fighting for it with their lives for years.“ It is like an inner urge to resist. The message that emanates from the project: „We want to show the world that Afghan society needs solidarity. We are setting an example so that these people are not forgotten.“

„We want to give tips on how newcomers can go their own way,“ explains Anosh. The initiative’s credo: „We have something to say. We want to tell our story!“

Somewhere In Between Jam

„Give your body permission to move“

This inconspicuous sentence makes tangible what Lan Mi Lê and Leo Bunte have been working on for over a year: a dance festival that is different. Feeling and letting go. As the organizing team, the two bring dance at the „Somewhere Inbetween Jam“ festival to a holistic idea that counters white-dominated party culture. Not only through movement, but also through political education. Three festival days encourage people to express themselves through dance in a way that feels good. Free from shame. At the same time, political discussions will be held and knowledge imparted: on racist structures in society, on the origins of different dance styles and the associated cultural exploitation of marginalized groups. In short: cultural awareness.

Leo and Mi have been looking for such spaces in dance for a long time – and now create these themselves. While she started out as a teenager in a dance school and from there found her way into her own all-female crew Gems, Leo started out as a teenager once a week in the gym. Here, Leo gradually learns „a few steps“, and later teaches children and teenagers himself. Despite their passion, however, over the years they both increasingly came into conflict with the institutional structures in which they experienced dance culture in Europe. „It starts in the studios, which are usually door openers to the scene. The schools are run by white people, the classes are taught by white people. There is no talk about the origins of hip-hop and the fact that this culture belongs to the Black and Latin community, nor are they taught by Bi_PoC,“ explains Mi. Her access to dance is undoubtedly highly privileged, she explains. „We dance for fun and to pass the time, not because it saves our lives.“

Leo sums up the meaning and purpose of the symbiosis of practical and theoretical discussion during the event in a catchy formula: „As a white majority society, we need to look at how cultural appropriation – for example in dance – can be turned into cultural exchange.“ Appreciation and encounters at eye level are key here.

„A lot of money is made with urban dance today without Bi_PoC or marginalized groups being economically involved or supported, their names are not known. We want to change that.“

Athletic Sonneberg

„I said for a long time that I just wanted to get out of here. And sometimes I thought that because I come from the Sonnenberg, I have nothing interesting to tell or have to hide my story. Fortunately, that’s completely different now.“

Today, Christian focuses his camera on the neighborhood. He captures the stories and faces of the people in the streets. His short film will focus on the lives of various immigrants and their children.

„I want to make (post-)migrant perspectives visible and give a voice to all those who perhaps think like I used to.“ Who have the feeling that their existence is irrelevant in this society. „I want to show what dreams, wishes and ideas they have.“ And what they have actually already achieved. After all, many good impulses are now coming from the neighborhood. One that has had a noticeable impact comes from Christian himself. Or rather his club: Athletic Sonnenberg.

The new football club is a project close to the hearts of friends who played together on the pitch around the corner when they were children. „At some point, the idea came up to simply get started, set up independently and do everything ourselves from scratch.“ Cornelius is now part of the board and also works as a social worker. A job that also permeates his private passion.

Athletic Sonnenberg is not just about physical performance. It’s about combining social and cultural commitment into one big picture through access to sport: „We want to actively help shape the neighborhood,“ says Cornelius, explaining the club’s motto „More than a football club“. When they take a bird’s eye view of everything they have achieved so far, there is only one conclusion: „It’s going well. We are proud of what we have achieved in a short space of time,“ say Musti and Cornelius. There is only one thing that is not quite right yet: We lack our own training ground. Athletic Sonnenberg has to be granted this by the city, „and the mills grind very slowly.“ A pitch in the Sonnenberg district – that’s what the footballers dream of. In the middle of the streets that they call „home“ and where they have long since made history together.

„We don’t think in these pigeonholes. We are committed to values such as anti-racism and anti-discrimination, but for us these are not political categories, but principles of being human.“

Refugee Network Cottbus

Hostility on the street and racism at school were part of growing up for Enas and her two sisters. „I had teachers who wanted to take away my faith in myself. One of them said that I didn’t need to make an effort because I wouldn’t pass my A-levels anyway. My sister was told to take off her headscarf, which is a blatant transgression,“ says the 24-year-old. Experiences like these spark an inner resistance in her and she looks for a place to transform powerlessness into strength.

In 2019, she found what she was looking for at refugee network Cottbus e.V. Committed Syrians founded the initiative in 2017 under the chairmanship of Nabil Abo Nasser. Initially, the association provided support in dealing with the authorities and writing to the bureaucracy, but it has since become a central point of contact for migrant self-organization and educational work. Tutoring sessions, language lessons and workshops against anti-Muslim racism have now become firmly established. All projects pursue one goal: to encourage people. „My greatest motivation is to empower refugees,“ emphasizes Enas. And her eyes are laughing.

Children and young people are a particular focus here. For example, in Arabic language lessons. The project enables „children from war zones who have only known their homeland for a short time to improve their knowledge of their mother tongue,“ explains Enas. „This is also important in order to maintain the exchange between refugee children and their parents.“ In addition, a lively connection to the mother tongue strengthens young people’s identity, which in turn increases their self-esteem.

In coaching sessions and storytelling cafés, people like Enas, Rama and Moussa encourage people to share the discrimination they have experienced, to speak out and to look for allies. This is the only way to get things moving in society as a whole, explains Enas: „Empowerment means that people realize that they have the power to shape their environment. That their voice is important and that they can develop their own visions for the future of Cottbus.“

„Empowerment means that people recognize that they have the power to shape their environment. That their voice is important and that they can develop their own visions for the future of Cottbus.“


Kalsoumy and Caro are not very welcome at Leipzig Zoo, even if it’s just for a photo shoot in the parking garage on the opposite side of the street. Two women with cardboard signs may seem harmless at first glance. But their demands shake the very foundations of the zoo concept. Both belong to the „DecolonizeZoo Leipzig“ alliance.

„The fact that Leipzig Zoo could be founded at all is closely linked to the income from so-called ethnological shows,“ explains Caro. She also only found out what this actually meant a few years ago. The horror of it made her take action. Kalsoumy felt the same way: „Many people are hearing about it for the first time. We also noticed that at our demos.“ What’s more, the same principles work today as they did in the 19th century: Events such as „Hakuna Matata – Experience Africa Live“ are offered on a regular basis. A white audience, the young woman denounces, is whisked away into a „foreign world“ by marveling at black and indigenous people and their supposedly typical rituals in exchange for money. „That’s exactly what happens in so-called ethnic shows. Only on a different level.“

With their alliance DecolonizeZoo Leipzig, Caro and Kalsoumy are campaigning for the Bi_PoC community to have a say in the future design of the zoo: What could an ethical zoo look like – and is that even possible? How can commemoration succeed? „It wouldn’t be helpful if the zoo were to simply close overnight. Too much would be left open. Zoo enthusiasts would be angry and disappointed, Bi_PoCs would become a target. People should be involved in the process and understand it.“  

„We are protesting against the ‚distancing from racism‘ of a zoo director who has obviously not understood how racism works. Instead of a clichéd ‚distancing‘, we need a real confrontation with racist structures and narratives!“

Scout Spirit

A pristine white shirt with a stiff collar, crease-free and neat: Mohammad Ahmad stands out in his outfit. His hands disappear into his backpack and search for the crucial accessory that is missing: a red triangular scarf. He quickly pulls it out, rolls up the piece of fabric and puts it around his neck. Mohammad looks up and smiles. Now he feels complete. Complete as a boy scout.

23-year-old Mohammad Ahmad sits in Passage 13 and waits for the others. This refers to up to 35 children and young people who meet up here at least once a week. „We have young people between the ages of 6 and 18 with an Arab background. They were either born in Germany in the first generation or have migrated – like me,“ says Mohammad.

In 2015, he sought refuge from the war in Syria in Germany with his parents and two brothers. The journey took more than a month, but arriving is still part of the journey today. He shares this experience with many „Scout Spirit“ members. And it was one of the reasons for setting up the group: to strengthen the (post-)migrant community and find a place in this society. But why scouts in particular?

„I have a close family connection to it,“ says Mohammad. Both his father and his uncle were active in these structures in Syria. „They explained a lot to us. We liked the mix of nature and social commitment,“ he explains. Anas has been involved since the beginning and explains the spectrum of „Scout Spirit“: „We are outdoors and make music, but we also give small workshops – in photography, for example. We offer tutoring or a computer course, do painting activities and movement games.“  The aim is also to have a broad impact on urban society. To exemplify values such as community, respect and encounters and to create meeting spaces.

„We all had zero experience in handicrafts, and that was great. Creating something like this together inspired us. The children were full of energy and we asked ourselves: why should we stop now?“

narratif Magazin

„In between.“ A word like a casual glance through a keyhole. Behind it, a world of individual stories, emotions and identity ruptures that people who identify as Black, Jewish or (post-)migrant are experiencing is unexpectedly revealed. They now share their painful experiences in a new magazine. The title: „narratif“. „I think as a (post-)migrant person or a person in the (post-)diaspora, this feeling is always there. Being in-between and fluid, not fully belonging to any position,“ says Gonca Sağlam. When she reflects on the editorial work of the last few weeks with Sicilia Shehata and Sam Gurwitt, one feeling stands out above all others: Overwhelm.

„This applies to the many letters we have received from authors and the touching tone of their contributions,“ explains Sam and Gonca adds: „People share with us very personally how they have come to terms with their own or their family’s migration, their experiences as a queer person in Germany or their experiences of racism. This is extremely emotionally demanding and at the same time very powerful.“

„We still live in a white-dominated society – and the literary and art industries are no exception,“ emphasizes Gonca. „The understanding of knowledge in Germany is white, academic and very exclusive.“ „With ’narratif‘, we want to create a place where Bi_PoC can find unfiltered presence and expression. A place where their experiences can be collectivized and, above all, archived.“

The idea for „narratif“ began in 2021, in the middle of Leipzig’s Grünau prefabricated housing estate. This is where the district project „Perspectives“ is based. The initiative offers creative activities aimed at young people who identify as migrant, black or Jewish – or are marked as migrant. Project manager Yasemin Said conducted a survey in 2021 to find out what services people in the neighborhood would like to see. One of the results: a magazine as a mouthpiece. Yasemin is also part of the „narratif“ editorial team and Sicilia is the editor-in-chief. The 24-year-old was not surprised by the desire for a print publication. „Our main motivation was to print our own texts, analyses, essays, poems and photo series. I think this community idea has attracted many other people because they can express themselves here.“

„With ’narratif‘, we want to create a place where Bi_PoC can find unfiltered presence and expression. A place where their experiences are collectivized and, above all, archived.“

We want to talk

Snippets of the past pass before Safi Zubairullah’s inner eye. He stands motionless on the street, his hands buried in his pockets. His gaze is fixed on two men carrying full shopping bags up the steep hill. It is as if the weight of the bags is hanging on his hands again. He has walked this way several times. To the nearest supermarket; shopping for three euros a day back then. Five kilometers to the center of Suhl, five kilometers back to the Friedberg. „And then back into the voluntary prison.“ This is what Safi calls the initial reception center in Thuringia, where he lived for three months in 2015. „Waited, slept, walked“ – these are the words he uses to describe his everyday life during this time. „That’s the biggest problem in a place like this,“ he says. „There is no information for refugees. No education.“ But that alone would help. Of course, he would also like to see a welcoming culture and hospitality, as he knows it from his home country of Afghanistan. A humane approach, free from racism. But he believes that understanding is just as important. „Where am I here? Why do these buildings look like military barracks? Why can you sometimes hear gunshots outside? Nobody explains that to you when you arrive here.“ Emilia Henkel looks at him and nods silently.

The student has been living with Safi in Thuringia for four years. She knows many details of his escape story, knows about his experiences in Suhl and the shooting sports center in the neighborhood, which triggers refugees and their experiences with war, torture and death. Hence the shots. Long kitchen conversations in their shared flat eventually lead to more and more involvement. Help in the neighborhood for refugees, a lecture on Thuringia’s asylum history and now: the „We want to talk“ project in the initial reception center.

Safi and Emilia want to pick up where information is lacking. Contact details for lawyers, aid organizations and psychosocial advice centres in the region, cooperative doctors and the police. At the same time, they are working on a small publication to shed light on the history of Friedberg.

„I’ve experienced a lot of sad things,“ Safi says, drawing a line under this chapter. „But I still try to see Thuringia as a second home.“  

„Where am I here? Why do these buildings look like military barracks? Why can you sometimes hear gunshots outside? Nobody explains that to you when you arrive here.“

Safe Harbour

When history becomes tangible while walking: With the audio walk „Safe Harbour“, the theater group Reclaim enables an interactive encounter with Wismar’s city history. Participants follow in the footsteps of migration through the streets – and into bizarre situations.

Marius Zoschke, Wanda Drabon and Marie Pooth from the Reclaim theater group call it „research-based, interactive documentary theater in public space“ when they take people on their „Safe Harbour“ city walk through Wismar. However, this audio walk is not the usual „tourist program“ that guests get to hear: The Reclaim team has rummaged through 80 years of migration history and opens up a perspective on the city as a port that is as unusual as it is burningly topical. „This city here has always been characterized by migration,“ explains Marius. „We want to make that clear.“

And so the participants are sent on a journey: To the time of the thousands and thousands of refugees during the Second World War, the accommodation of guest workers, the arrival of Jewish „contingent refugees“ in the 1990s and the smooth reception of Syrians in 2015. The narrative always remains concrete, because it is a human being reporting. „We wanted to find out: Is Wismar a safe haven,“ says Marius.

In preparation, this meant intensive discussions with migrants: the group spent 30 hours recording. „We approached voluntary agencies and asked for contacts.“ Wanda and Marius were deeply moved by the openness and courage of the storytellers. „For many of them, it was a struggle to speak German for the recording,“ explains Marius. But in the end, everyone left their shame and insecurity behind. „Everyone was incredibly proud and excited to hear themselves,“ he says.

With their audio walk, Reclaim mark places as sights that make up Wismar and yet are not printed on any postcards: The Haffburg refugee shelter, Ms. Nguyen’s clothing store, the colourful graffiti walls on the other side of the railroad tracks. And they introduce people who shape the city as inconspicuous celebrities: Melake, Alaa, Ingrid, Zahra, René, Maryana. „Reclaim means to demand back, to conquer back. That’s what we’re doing: We turn public space into a stage for the people who live in it,“ says Marius.

„Reclaim means to demand back, to conquer back. That’s what we’re doing: We turn public space into a stage for the people who live in it,“ says Marius.

We would like to thank the committed initiatives and individuals, the sponsors, and all those involved:

Abya Yala Libre, Athletic Sonnenberg, Back to the Roots, Dalia, Decolonize Zoo, Refugee Network Cottbus, Jugend spricht, Maha, Mariana, narratif, Nicolas, Omar, René, Safe Harbour, Scout Spirit, Somewhere Inbetween Jam, Sultana, Wir wollen Reden

Display: Paula Gehrmann, Design: Denise Lee, Photos and texts: DaMOst e.V., JUGENDSTIL*, Network office ostmigrant engagement

The entire exhibition Trotz allem! (despite everything) Postmigrant Youth Moves the East is available for loan under certain conditions. It can also be borrowed in parts. We can be contacted via the following channels for inquiries and feedback:

E-Mail: trotzallem@damost.de , hallo@jugendstil-projekt.de

Instagram: @damost_kn.youth @jugendstilprojekt

Website: www.damost.de   www.jugendstil-projekt.de